How we validate ads on
At, we do a lot to avoid false ads - this is strictly prohibited. We have zero tolerance to false ads. We review all our ads manually, and every ad must be accepted by one of our skilled employees, before it will appear on our website. We still advise everyone to use their common sense in their home search, as even we can be cheated by fraudsters.
Guidelines for validating ads on
- When a new ad is created on, one of our employees will review and validate this manually before this will be available to our users. If someone tries to abuse or create bottle ads, and this is revealed by one of our employees, this will cause the ad to be removed and the landlord will be blocked from
- When a new landlord is set up in our system, we receive a notification, which means that one of our employees will review the landlord's name, address, e-mail and phone number and that the entered address's full address is filled out. If this information is not identical, the landlord will not be able to create ads on
- Sample checks are made every day by randomly selected rental ads at These are extracted from our database to proactively reduce false ads. At least 2 random rental ads are extracted from our database during the day.
- In Copenhagen, a square meter price of rental ads is automatically checked. If a lease is below a certain threshold, we will automatically be informed about this. Then, one of our employees will manually review this ad's information to see if there should be any errors. In addition to the above, we perform a large number of security checks daily on ads and advertising activity. We are doing a lot to reduce the abuse of to make it safe for everyone.
If you discover a suspicious ad, please send the link to our customer service. We will investigate the ad and the advertiser as soon as possible.